How Does the Tele clinic Work?

Request for a Tele Clinic Appointment
Fill in the online appointment scheduling registration form with your details. This helps us understand your exact need and enables us to assist you accordingly. Our appointment scheduling team will give you a call and confirm the Tele Clinic appointment slot.

Receive Confirmation for Consultation
Once your details are logged in with us and we have found you a suitable time to connect with the doctor, you'll receive a confirmation via call. This articulates, the date, time and contact credentials for you to consult with our doctors over a phone.

Best Medical Care at the Click of a Button
Consult with our experienced and expert team of doctors via phone from the comfort of your own location. With state-of-the-art technologies and expert panel of doctors you'll receive the best advice without having to step out of your home.
Advantages of the Tele clinic
In this tele connected, highly mobile world at times personal scheduling of appointments can be challenging. And yet that shouldn't deprive you of the best medical care.
Tele Clinic is an initiative by Apollo Clinic to bring world-class health care service to the location & time that suits you best. You could be travelling or tied up with your schedule - wherever and whenever - simply log-in and have access to world-class medical care.
With state-of-the-art technology & infrastructure we make these tele interactions as real as possible for you. Thus, you have for yourself the best of both worlds. Tele Clinics help you overcome the challenges of distance & time. Additionally, they provide comfort & convenience - everything at the click of a button.

A Tele clinic is a tele call consultation with our doctors. Due to time & distance, it may be difficult for you to physically travel to our clinic. Tele clinics allow you to speak to our doctors and seek appropriate medical care without the hassle of traveling in person.
Tele Clinics are available throughout the day – 10 AM to 8 PM via prior appointment which will be provided basis the form filled by you on this web page.
You can share your medical reports & history prior to the consultation by scanning and mailing them to include your name, consultation time and date in the mail for easy reference.
Tele Clinics will be available via tele call. The patients must have a mobile/telephone connection. At the time of Appointment, the patient will receive a call from the Apollo clinic team which will inturn connect with doctor.
Please note, the call centre will also share a link with the patient to make the payment online prior to the appointment & the charges will be communicated as well.
No. There is no difference in terms of the medical advice provided and our commitment to our patients. However, the lack of physical check and technological limitations can make a difference in some cases. Our doctors will provide you with an advisory to visit in person should there be a need to do so.
No. The Tele Clinic is an extended service/facilitation provided by our hospital. It does not replace or reduce the importance of the regular clinics and consultations.
We encourage you to pick a time & date of your convenience such that cancellations are avoided. However, we do understand your contingencies. Please inform the concerned representative of your unavailability and schedule the appointment for a later date.
No. This service is available for national patients only as of now.
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