Can A Family History Of Cardiology Problems Affect Me?

If you have a family history of cardiology problems, you too are at a risk of having a cardiology problem. Such heart diseases may include heart attack, stroke, heart failure, angina and coronary heart disease. Risks are high if: Your father or brother had been diagnosed with a heart disease when they were under the age of 55. Your mother or sister had been diagnosed with a hea...

What Are The Symptoms Of A Heart Disorder?

Each new type of a heart disease may show similar symptoms, but they require different treatments. Therefore, if you find any of the symptoms of a cardio disorder, you must immediately visit your doctor, so that the correct diagnosis is made and the treatment is started....

Signs and Symptoms of Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac arrest is an extremely critical heart condition. In a cardiac arrest, the heart abruptly stops pumping blood, which restricts blood flow to the brain and other vital organs in the body causing them to lose consciousness. The heart has an electrical system and function of its own which controls the rhythm of the heartbeat. A sudden cardiac arrest may occur as a result of...

Healthy Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Heart

The heart is one of the most crucial and hardworking organs of the body and proper heart function is essential to support life. Its main function includes pumping blood carrying oxygen and nutrients to all organs of the body. Besides carrying the clean blood, the heart also transports the blood carrying waste products such as carbon dioxide to the lungs so they can be eliminate...

5 Simple Exercises To Keep Your Heart Healthy And Happy

To live your life to the fullest, a healthy heart is what you need. You probably already know that a well-balanced diet and regular exercises will help you amplify your heart health and also support�heart failure treatment. But, is that all? Which exercises will actually do good? Should you practice them every day? We have all the answers right here. Incorporate these 5 simple ...

Symptoms of Hypertension

Hypertension is a condition that is often associated with few to no symptoms. This makes Hypertension a more dangerous condition as it worsens with the passage of time if not treated properly, while the absence of any symptoms makes for an increased difficulty in the treatment of Hypertension....

Causes of Hypertension

According to Union health ministry preventive health program, around one of every eight people in India have high blood pressure. Hypertension is a very common chronic medical condition, being the underlying cause of around 4 in every 20 conditions affecting the human body. The causes of Hypertension are not very clearly known. However, some potential causes of Hypertension hav...

Immediate Steps To Be Taken When Someone Gets A Brain Stroke

Positioned just above the spinal cord, the brain stem controls vital functions of the body such as the heartbeat, blood pressure as well as the breathing. The human body is dependent on the brain stem for its survival. Any problems in the brain stem can instantly cause several long term as well as short term problems in the body, even leading to life threatening situations in s...