
Understanding arthritis is vital as this common health condition affects multiple joints and is further accompanied by joint pain, which is also called as arthralgia. In simple terms, it is a joint pain coupled with an acute stiffness which makes it challenging and painful to move the legs. The common symptoms of arthritis include stiffness, joint pain, swelling, and even decreased motion range. The problem worsens when left untreated for a long time as it can even cause permanent joint changes. Immediate treatment is highly recommended if the pain gets unbearable. To ensure whether you have arthritis, knowing the symptoms and types are essential.

Types of Arthritis

Arthritis is broken down into three broad categories:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) –This type occurs when the inside lining of the joints gets inflamed. This further leads to joint pain and damage. This kind of arthritis affects the fingers, wrists and hands.
  • Juvenile Arthritis (JA) – This type of arthritis majorly affects children younger than 18 years of age. The number of girls affected is higher. It typically occurs in the knees, ankles, and wrists. Other than this, it also affects the jaw, neck, shoulders and hips.
  • Osteoarthritis (OA) – This type is also called degenerative joint disease and usually manifests after the age of 40. It is one of the most common types and affects when there is a disintegration of the cartilage’s joints. It majorly affects the lower back, hips, hands, neck, and knees.
  • Symptoms of Arthritis

Arthritis can be easily detected as its symptoms are quite visible. Some of the symptoms include stiffness, joint pain and even swelling. Other than this, you will notice the motion range also decreases, and there is skin redness around the joints. As seen by people with arthritis, these symptoms are worse early in the morning. There is a loss of appetite, and you feel tired especially in the case of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA).

Causes of Arthritis

The causes of arthritis ultimately depend upon the type you have. The joints are protected by the cartilage (which is flexible) and strong connective tissue. The protection to the joints by the cartilage is offered by pressure absorption, and the shock that is created when there is any movement or even stress is applied. When there is a reduction in the cartilage tissue, it leads to some form of arthritis.

Some of the potential causes of the same include:

Osteoarthritis (OA) – Normal wear and tear is one of the primary causes of Osteoarthritis. A joint injury or infection can further worsen the cartilage tissue. Family history can also be a reason for the affliction.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) – It majorly occurs when the tissues of the body are attacked by the immune system. This, in turn, affects the soft tissue in the joints, synovium which further leads to both bone and cartilage damage.

In the case of RA, there is a decrease in the red blood cell count, commonly known as anaemia. If left untreated, it also leads to joint deformity. It can even result in short-term complications, majorly, joint pain.

Treatment of Arthritis

The main aim of arthritis treatment is to ensure that joint pain is reduced. It also seeks to ensure there is no further damage to the joints. Treatment is offered to enhance the functioning of the joints. A healthcare provider will suggest various treatment plans to achieve the best results.

Apollo Experience

We, at Apollo Clinic, leave no stone unturned in offering the best and most versatile of orthopaedic care. Treatment is provided based on the evaluation of the joints.