Nearly 1 in 3 men over the age of 50 has urinary problems. The most common cause of these problems is enlargement of prostate gland. Keeping this high incidence in view, Apollo Clinic has set up a Specialty Clinic for Prostate Disease which focuses on providing optimum care and treatment.
What is Prostate Enlargement?
The prostate is a small gland that is part of the male reproductive system. It's supposed to be about the shape and size of a walnut. It rests below your bladder. Also known as BPE (benign prostatic enlargement) or BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), enlargement of the prostate is an increase in the size of the prostate. There is an increase in the number of cells that causes the prostate to grow. Prostate enlargement is a common issue in men over the age of 50.
What are the causes of Prostate Enlargement?
The exact causes of prostate enlargement are still unknown. However, there are certain factors which increase the risk of this condition. Factors include:
Age - The risk of having an enlarged prostate increases as you age
Hormone levels - As you age, the hormonal balance of your body changes thus causing your prostate to grow
Other factors - Some studies indicate hereditary factors, and men with diabetes and/or obesity are at a higher risk of developing prostate enlargement
What are the symptoms of Prostate Enlargement?
Prostate Enlargement is mainly characterised by urinary symptoms such as:
- Feeling that your bladder hasn’t been entirely emptied
- Dribbling urine after you finish urinating
- Sudden urge to urinate; may even leak urine before reaching the bathroom
- Weak flow when you urinate
- Difficulty in starting to urinate
- Needing to urinate more often, especially during night time
- It is important to note that many men over 50 years of age could have an enlarged prostate, but no accompanying symptoms. Also, these symptoms could be triggered by other conditions or lifestyle factors.
How can we help you?
At Apollo Clinic, our expert urologists will consult with you and discuss your symptoms, lifestyle habits, medication, family and medical history in detail. You may also have to undergo some tests for effective diagnosis, such as:
- Preliminary tests
- Urine test - A urine test will help verify if the symptoms are being caused by an infection
- Blood tests - These tests will assist in determining if your kidneys are working properly, and check whether the levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) protein are healthy
- Digital rectal examination (DRE) - In this examination, your prostate is checked through the rectum wall for any irregular or hard areas and to assess its size
- Urine flow test - In this test, you will be asked to urinate into a machine that measures the speed of urine flow
- Ultrasound scan - An ultrasound scan may be conducted after the urine flow test to measure how much urine your bladder can hold and ascertain how much urine is left in your bladder after urination; the scan may also be used to look at your kidneys
Secondary tests which are done at tertiary care centres
Bladder pressure (urodynamic) test - This test helps check how well your bladder is functioning. Thin tubes are passed up your penis, and your bladder is filled with a clear liquid. Thin tubes are also placed in your rectum. The tubes are used to measure the pressure in your bladder, back passage and urethra.
Flexible cystoscopy - This test may be prescribed when you have severe urinary symptoms, pain while urinating, blood in the urine, get urine infections often, or your doctor suspects that your urethra or opening of the bladder is too narrow. It helps determine if you have any blockage or abnormal tissue in your urethra or bladder. A thin tube with a camera or eyepiece and light will be passed up your penis to the bladder. Your doctor will be able to see the urethra and bladder on a screen.
Pad test - This test is prescribed in cases of urine leakage. You would be asked to wear an incontinence pad for a certain duration of time. The pad is then weighed to assess the quantity of urine leaked.
Depending on the outcomes of the tests and diagnosis, appropriate prostate disease treatment will be prescribed. Prostate gland treatment modules include watchful waiting, medication, lifestyle changes, minimally-invasive procedures and surgery.
Apollo Support
At Apollo Clinic, we use cutting-edge equipment and advanced procedures to diagnose enlargement of the prostate. Our distinguished team of highly skilled urologists, surgeons, nurses, experienced support staff and qualified technicians go the extra mile to provide superior-quality care for your prostate condition.