While the dangers of habits such as smoking and alcoholism are well documented, not many of us are aware of the grave dangers of sitting for extended periods of time.
Yes, the simple act of sitting at your desk while working or on the sofa while binge watching your favourite TV series or while traveling long distances can cause severe harm to your health. Just like smoking slowly harms your body in different ways, so does a sedentary lifestyle. Prolonged sitting can eventually lead to types o...
5 Ways To Exercise While Working Around The House
Getting some exercise is important, yet often we are unable to make time for it. But little did you know that house work can be a great way to burn calories. When you don’t have time to work out or hit the gym, these hacks will help you burn calories and stay physically active while doing the home chores. Check out these exercises that you can do at home without using any equipment.
Step Exercises
While you wait for your washing machine to finish the last spin or the cooker to do its work,...