Impact on Omicron in People with Diabetes and High BP

Impact on Omicron in People with Diabetes and High BP

Although the new variant may be milder, health experts suggest not taking the virus lightly. It can pose a severe threat to those with co-morbidities like diabetes and high blood pressure. Whatever be your age, if you have diabetes or a blood pressure problem, you are more likely to catch the virus.

Getting yourself tested in the early stages will help you get effective treatment on time and much-needed care. If the symptoms are mild, it means you won’t need to get admitted to a hospital. Your doctor will be prescribing you medications, and you will have to stay quarantined until your result comes back negative.

Impact of Omicrcon on People with Diabetes and High BP

The Omicron variant mostly causes infection in the upper respiratory tract, but it may further lead to lung damage, especially in the case of seniors with co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure, etc. Some of the symptoms of the new variant include sore throat, tiredness, fever, body ache and cough. Additionally, some of the warning signs of the virus include a dip in oxygen saturation, pain in the chest, or worsening of symptoms in four days.

How to reduce your chances of the Omicron virus?

It is recommended that people with diabetes and high blood pressure should strictly follow COVID-19 appropriate behaviour such as wearing a mask, regularly washing of hands, respiratory etiquette, etc. Apart from these, one should also take the following precautions:

  • Monitor sugar levels and blood pressure: Keep checking your sugar and BP levels frequently. If an elder member in your family is suffering from such co-morbidities, make sure you help them maintain a record for diabetes and bp check. Make sure your levels are in the healthy range as advised by your doctor. Regular virtual consultation with a doctor should not be missed.
  • Diet: Make sure diabetes patients in your home is following a healthy diet routine that is low in sugar. Food intake should be on time. Those with diabetes avoid beverages, deep-fried food/snacks, and anything that is processed or packaged food. It is also always good to have freshly prepared homemade food. People with diabetes and BP can balance this out by including fresh fruits or nuts in their diet as per their health needs.
  • Medicine Intake: Regular intake of medicines on time is also crucial. If some elder member/adult in your family has diabetes or BP problem, you can remind them to consume the prescribed medicines. This way, one cannot forget or skip the medicines.
  • Daily Physical Activity: A little bit of a workout or physical activity should be part of the daily routine of a person suffering from diabetes or BP. Do not make Covid an excuse to skip your daily walk and exercises. For instance, you can practice different Asanas of Yoga that can be performed indoors, practice moderate to high energy dance forms or even spot sprinting and static jogging.
  • Vaccination: While eating healthy, working out, medications can help to build your immunity; it is also essential for people with diabetes or BP to get fully vaccinated. If you are above 60 and fully vaccinated, it is recommended to get a third dose, which is a booster shot that will provide complete protection against the virus.

Seniors above 60 can simply walk into any nearest Apollo Clinic centre to get the booster shot. Visit for more info

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