Typhoid Symptoms & Precautions You Must Know

If you thought that cold, flu, malaria and dengue are the only diseases common during the monsoon, think again. Apart from air borne and mosquito borne diseases, incidences of water borne diseases like typhoid, diarrhoea and cholera also get rampant. Here are the typhoid symptoms and precautions that you must know in order to safeguard yourself and your loved ones. Typhoid is a bacterial disease that leads to severe digestive issues. It is caused by consuming any food item or drink that is co...

How To Have A Healthy Liver

When we think of the liver, the first thing that comes to mind is good digestion. The liver also plays a vital role in purifying the blood, regulating diabetes and maintaining our metabolism. Often liver diseases and disorders don’t show their symptoms until the problem has already developed further. That is why keeping the liver healthy is important in order to prevent illnesses like liver cirrhosis, jaundice, fatty liver, Hepatitis A,B, C, D & E and liver failure. Here are some simple s...

Precautions You Must Take To Prevent Dengue

Dengue is a viral disease that can be fatal. About 50% of the entire human population is at its risk. In 2015 the cases of dengue reported had doubled in India. It has no particular cure. Hence, it’s better to prevent contracting the fever itself. The following measures and precautions can help you safeguard against this viral fever to a large extend. Beware of the Aedes mosquito: Characterised by white dots on the body and legs, it’s the bite of the female Aedes mosquito that spreads th...