What is the ideal treatment for diabetes?

What is the ideal treatment for diabetes?

Though diabetes is a common disease, its treatment and care is unique for every individual. People with diabetes are encouraged to learn all about the latest therapies, medications and approaches along with healthy lifestyle choices.
It is important that you follow the instructions and medications suggested to you by your support team that consists of doctors, nurses, diabetologists, dieticians, etc.

Here are some of the ideal tips about diabetic care that you need to follow, that would help to keep your diabetic problems at bay.

Collect as much information as you can about diabetes

You must collect as much information as you can. The more information you have, the easier it is for your healthcare team to provide you the right treatment guidelines and reduce further risks of diabetes, if any.

There are 2 types of diabetes, of which you should be aware whether yours is Type-1 or Type-2 and take treatments accordingly.

  • Type-1 diabetes: People diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes need to take insulin everyday. This is also known as juvenile diabetes.
  • Type-2 diabetes: Regulations in diet and physical activities are essential to control Type-2 diabetes. Patients under Type-2 need to take diabetic pills or insulin for diabetes. It is more common among the two types and is also known as adult onset diabetes.

Get regular diabetic care
If you are suffering from diabetes, it is important that you visit your diabetic doctors on a regular basis, and check whether your treatment plans are being effective. If not, you should talk to your doctor immediately.
Learn techniques that would help control your diabetes
Since treatments for diabetes are unique for every individual, you must talk to your doctor regarding the types and portion size of food that you need to take and the ones you need to avoid completely. Your physician may suggest you special types of physical activities that you need to perform on a regular basis. Following up regularly with the suggestions and prescribed medications will help you control diabetes much faster.
Take care of the ABC’s of your diabetes
The most important goal of a diabetic treatment is to take care of the ABC’s of diabetes that is,

A- A1C (average blood glucose)
B- Blood Pressure
C- Cholesterol.
This can be done in a number of ways such as following the right diet plan that has been prepared for you, being physically active, checking your blood glucose on a regular basis, etc.
Monitor ABC’s of your diabetes
If not controlled, diabetes may lead to risks such as a kidney disease, blindness, heart attack or a stroke. To reduce such serious risks, you and your healthcare team should regularly monitor the ABC’s of diabetes- A1C, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol.
Prevent long-term diabetic problems
You must control the ABC’s of diabetes to prevent serious long-term effects such as heart attack, kidney problems, nerve damage, loss of foot, impotence, etc. Here are some of the key diabetic care routine that can control your diabetes and help you live a long and healthy life:

  • Follow the diet chart as prescribed to you in the right portion sizes. Eat high-fibre foods with low fat and salt content.
  • Take proper medications timely and regularly.
  • Take care of your feet. Wash and dry your feet regularly.
  • Check your mouth for signs of gum or tooth problems. If there’s a problem, visit a dentist immediately.
  • Test your blood glucose level and check your blood pressure on a regular basis and keep them under control.

Following the above steps will help you put a control on your diabetic problems and keep you fit and healthy. If you face any issues related to diabetes, you may visit a diabetic clinic and talk to the doctors to collect necessary information.

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