Dr. Deepa K

Dr. Deepa K


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95% Recommended

95% patients would recommed this doctor to their friends and family.

Doctor info

Having an experience of 8 years, Dr. Deepa K, is a Dermatologist and Cosmetologist at Apollo Clinic, Bellandur, Bengaluru.

Treatment & service

Diagnosing and treating all issues related to  Pigmentation, Vitiligo Treatment, Psoriasis, Acne Scar Surgery and Laser Hair Reduction and etc.

Training & course

1st Prize ,Poster Presentation - Dermazone South (2010)

Professional membership

  • Indian Association of Dermatologists;
  • Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL);
  • Association of Cutaneous Surgeons of India (ACSI);
  • Bengaluru Dermatological Society

Patients speak

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Deepa K practices at Apollo Clinic Hospital, Bellandur - Bengaluru.

You can take Dr. Deepa K appointment by calling or by visiting website or walk-in to the near by Apollo Clinic Hospital.

Patients visit Dr. Deepa K for Dermatology & more.