Breast Screening For Cancer- New Advanced Thermal Evaluation
In the 1990s, breast cancer was India’s fourth most prevalent disease, and today, it ranks first as the most common type of cancer. Even though there are survivors of breast cancer, every two minutes, somewhere around the globe, someone gets diagnosevery 4 minutes, a woman gets diagnosed with breast cancer.
Here are some more facts about breast cancer –
- Out of 100 per cent of all cancers, breast cancers have a whopping margin of 14% in India.
- Studies based on epidemiology show that by 2030, breast cancer will have surpassed its limit of 2 million cases per year globally.
- Breast cancer deaths contribute to a whopping 11% of all cancer deaths.
Over the years, thermal evaluation has evolved. The new advanced thermal evaluation technique focuses on the thermal score to screen breasts for breast cancer. Read on to know more about it.
Myths about Thermal Evaluation
Breast screening tests have evolved ever since they came into existence. But certain myths have not changed about it.
Make sure you do not fall for these myths:
- At the moment, thermography, a type of breast cancer screening, has a 99% accuracy for women aged between 30 and 55.
- A thermography test or the thermal evaluation of breast cancer can detect a mass 8 to 10 years before a mammography test.
About Thermal Evaluation
Breast cancer gets caught by a kind of thermography called DITI. DITI stands for Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging. Thermography uses an infrared camera to look for heat patterns and blood flow in the body’s tissues. DITI can quickly reveal differences in temperature on the surface of the breast. These temperature differences lead to the diagnosis of breast cancer.
The logic behind this test is elementary. Cancer is a collection of cells or multiplication of cells. Whenever there is cancer in any body organ, the blood flow to that organ increases drastically. The more the blood flow, the more the body’s temperature.
Unlike the usual breast cancer test – mammogram screening, the thermal evaluation does not emit radiation. The thermal assessment uses very few doses of X-rays. But this positive point does not make it more effective than mammogram screening.
Positives of thermal evaluation
- Non-invasive
- Non-destructive
- Cost-effective
Negatives of thermal evaluation
- The rate of false-positive is 30%
- Exposure of patients to ionising radiation
- Discomfort to patients
What to Expect from Thermal Evaluation
You ought to follow these steps before you go for a thermal evaluation –
- Do not wear any deodorant or perfume.
- You will be asked to undress from above the waist- this way, you can get acclimatised to the surrounding room temperature.
- Now you have to stand in front of the imaging system
- The thermal evaluation technician will take six images from your breasts’ front and side views.
- The total duration of this test is 30 minutes.
- These images will then be sent to your doctor
- Within a few days, your doctor will get back to you.
Possible Results of Thermal Evaluation
There are two possible outcomes to a thermal evaluation of breast screening for cancer.
And they are as follows-
Healthy breasts
Thermal screening shows symmetrical or moderate vascular patterns; in simpler terms, the heat distribution is uniform. The difference in the surface temperature is 0. The thermal score for healthy breasts is below 2.5
Cancerous breasts
In asymmetrical vascular patterns, in simpler terms, the distribution of heat is not uniform; it focuses more on the areas where the temperature is more. The thermal score for cancerous breasts is 2.5 or more than 2.5, and the difference in the surface temperature is above 2.
When to See a Doctor
These 13 signs of breast cancer should be your signal to see your doctor:
- A thick area on your breast
- Dimple on your breast
- Nipple crust
- The breast feels red or hot
- New fluid from your nipple
- Soreness of skin on the breast
- Bump on your breast
- A growing vein on your breast
- Sunken nipple
- The shape of the breast changes
- Size of the breast changes
- Orange peel-like skin on your breast
- Hard lump on your breast
Along with the other tests used for breast cancer screening, like pathology results of the biopsy, mammography test, and clinical diagnosis, the new advanced method of thermal evaluation for breast cancer is catching up.
The whole motive of this type of breast screening is to provide expert doctors with a better screening device that can help them save the lives of millions of women who might be at risk of developing breast cancer and even dying from it.
If you want to know how much a mammogram test costs or how a breast screening test like thermal evaluation will help diagnose breast cancer better, contact the doctors at Apollo Clinic.
When is the right age to get a mammogram test?
The right age for women to get a mammogram test is between 45 and 55.
How do breast lumps feel?
Breasts feel like a lump and sponge-like tissue. But a mass that distinguishes itself from the whole breast and feels a little bit more solid than the surrounding lumpy breast tissue is a breast lump.
How painful is a breast screening?
Breast screening can feel painful and uncomfortable for some women, and a mammogram may cause mild discomfort. But the feeling lasts for a short period.
How fast do breast cancers spread?
Breast cancer doubles its size every six months. The rate of growth of breast cancer depends on various factors-
- Stage
- Grade
- Sub-type
- Age
- Genetic composition
Which part of the body does breast cancer spread first?
Breast cancer spreads to these three parts of your body-
- Armpit or under your arm
- Inside your breast
- Near your collarbone or beauty bone
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