5 Effective Ways to Control Diabetes

5 Effective Ways to Control Diabetes

Controlling diabetes is a continuous, relentless challenge; but with a little bit of knowledge and dedication, diabetes care can become second nature. Though there is no natural cure for diabetes, you can lead a normal, balanced life if you learn how to control your blood glucose levels.
As explained by Dr. Anish Behl, Endocrinologist, Apollo Clinic, Mysore, in type 2 diabetes, the pancreas doesn’t work as effectively as it should.  This means that the body is unable to effectively convert glucose into energy because it is building resistance to the insulin and is releasing too much glucose into the blood. Type 2 diabetes, in most cases, can initially be managed through healthy lifestyle changes – healthy diet, regular exercise and monitoring the blood glucose levels.

Here are 5 simple ways in which you can control type 2 diabetes effectively:

  1. Quality of food

For an ideal diabetic diet, every meal should be a good mix of starches, fruits & vegetables, proteins and fats. It’s most important to choose the right kind of carbohydrates to consume. Some carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, are better foods for diabetics than some other kinds of carbohydrates. These foods are low in bad carbohydrates and contain high levels of fibre that helps in stabilising blood sugar levels. Consult with your doctor, nurse or dietician about the best food choices customized to your needs.

  1. Eating habits

It is never a good idea to skip a meal, especially breakfast. When we don’t eat for a long stretch of time (sleep included), our body feeds itself with the glucose released by the liver. For most people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, the liver doesn’t properly sense that the blood already has enough glucose in it, so it continues to generate more.
Carbohydrates have the largest impact on blood sugar levels. For people taking mealtime insulin, it’s crucial to be aware of the amount of carbohydrates in the food so that they get regulate the insulin dose accordingly.

Educate yourself about what portion size is appropriate for each type of food. Simplify this process by jotting down portions for the foods you eat most often. You can even use measuring cups or a kitchen scale to ensure correct portion sizes and an accurate carbohydrate intake.

  1. Exercise right

Physical activity is another important cornerstone of diabetes management. When we exercise, our muscles use glucose for energy. Being regular with your physical activity helps the body use insulin more efficiently.
It is recommended, for most adults to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Consult with your doctor to chalk out an exercise plan that best suits your needs and limitations and modify this plan as your needs change.

  1. Illness and stress

When we’re sick or overly stressed, our bodies produce stress-related hormones to help fight the illness, but these hormones also raise the blood sugar level. During this phase, it is important to balance your food, medication and physical activity while accounting for the hormones. Stock up on foods that are easy to digest, such as mild soups, yoghurt, and unsalted crackers.

  1. Medication and monitoring

Never self-medicate with over-the-counter medicines. Even if the medicine and dosage was prescribed by your doctor, you should monitor how your body reacts to the medicine and report any alarming reactions, such as sudden drop in glucose, to your doctor.
Regular monitoring of how your body is reacting to the lifestyle changes you are making is most essential. This helps you stick to habits that are beneficial to you and kick the ones that aren’t.

Consult with our experts to understand diabetes better and to help yourself create a glucose-control regime that is suited to your needs and is easy to stick to at the same time.


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