Haircare in Monsoon

Haircare in Monsoon

After the prolonged summer heat comes the monsoon, with its magical vibe and a sigh of relief. As much as people love monsoon, the season is known to create a need for extra care of skin and hair.

While people do indulge in regular TLC for the skin, the season is known to create havoc on the beloved hair.

Monsoon is not a very idyllic season when it comes to hair. It brings various scalp and hair issues, so added care is required.

Not making necessary changes in hair care routine leads to an unhealthy scalp and dull and weak tresses.

Why do hair issues build up during the monsoon?

The humid temperature in the rainy season allows the extra moisture to be trapped in the hair. This moisture easily traps the grime and dirt on the scalp, making hair follicles weak. This leads to hair fall and weaker tresses.

Not to mention the fact that the rainy season makes the hair dull and frizzy. The moisture that gets trapped in the hair is a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, making it more prone to itching and dandruff.

So, here are some essential tips on hair care in the monsoon that can keep hair looking healthy and easily manageable.

Haircare tips in monsoon

1. Keep them protected from rainwater

Dirty rainwater can harm the hair in more ways than people know. Wearing a scarf or covering the hair can keep the adverse effects of rainwater at bay. It is also important to wash hair immediately if it is exposed to rainwater.

2. Ensure a nutritious and well-balanced meal

A healthy diet is the best hair care in the rainy season. Diet plays a vital role in not just a healthy body but also hair. The food consumed decides the hair quality.

Consuming protein-rich foods like cheese and eggs is essential for healthy hair. Additionally, dairy products, green vegetables, and whole grains are essential to give it a healthy lustre.

Hair care experts also suggest consuming berries, sweet potatoes, and spinach, as these are known superfoods for hair.

3. Follow a proper hair wash routine

The rainy season calls for more frequent hair washing. Wash them two to three times a week to remove dirt from the scalp.

Additionally, using antifungal and antibacterial shampoos is also a part of hair care in the rainy season. Using a good quality leave-in conditioner prevents fizziness and dullness too.

4. Keep hair dry

Increased humidity requires extra care since excess moisture can make hair limp and heavy. People should avoid tying wet hair and use a clean towel to dry them after hair wash.

5. Watch out for dandruff

Monsoon season is prone to cause scalp issues like dandruff. It not just causes discomfort but also leads to hair fall. While there are numerous natural remedies to combat the problem, it is advised to go for an expert hair care treatment.

6. Keep hair short and manageable

One of the simplest forms of hair care in the rainy season is to keep the length of hair short. This makes it easier to keep them clean and dry and reduces hair fall.

Long hair is pulled more, leading to more breakage. Short hair is easy to maintain and looks trendy on most body types. Getting them trimmed regularly to avoid split ends and stimulate healthy growth is also a good idea.

7. Go for a hassle-free hairstyle

Opting for a basic and minimal hairdo is essential for hair care in the rainy season. Excess heat and styling products make them weak and prone to hair fall.

High ponytails, tight buns, or braids are hassle-free hairstyles one can opt for in monsoon.

8. Let the hair get some extra love

Using hair fall treatments and following monsoon hair care tips will keep them nourished and frizz-free and reduce hair fall. Hair care treatment experts can offer customised care routines and suitable products as per hair type.

9. Use the right hair care products

Hair loses lustre and volume in monsoon, leaving them frizzy, dry, and brittle. The right shampoo and conditioner for the hair type make them easy to manage.

Many people tend to avoid using conditioners, but it is essential to use one. It adds volume and bounce to the hair while at the same time making them easier to manage.

It is also advised to use a good quality hair serum when hair is damp to keep them protected.

10. Avoid colouring during monsoon

Hair color can do more damage than good for those with dry and brittle hair or who have hair fall issues. Getting them coloured or highlighted will make them drier and lustreless.

Additionally, colouring hair exposes them to more chemicals which is not ideal in the monsoon season. For those who still want to go for coloured hair, it is vital to use an excellent post-colouring hair treatment and routine to minimise the impact.

11. Oiling hair should be a routine

Many people avoid oiling during monsoon since the scalp is already sticky. However, not oiling them denies hair nourishment.

The right oils can help fight against fungal infections, hair fall, and irritation caused by the rainy season. Furthermore, hair massage promotes hair growth and strength by increasing blood flow on the scalp.

12. Let them breathe

While it is ideal for keeping the hair tied to avoid hair fall, tying them too tight can strain the scalp too. It also makes it harder to keep the scalp dry with up hair.

Hence, tying them in a loose ponytail or leaving them open occasionally is also essential.

To sum up

Monsoon can bring excessive moisture, which leads to adverse effects on hair. To prevent damage, extra care and regular hair treatments are essential.

Hair issues like frizz, itchy scalp, hair fall, and dandruff must be addressed so that the hair remains strong and healthy.

Switching to a healthy diet, keeping hair clean and dry, and dedicated hair treatments will ensure happy hair this rainy season!

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