Is India Heading Towards the Fourth Covid Wave?

In January this year, India saw a surge of Covid-19 numbers with a spread of the Omicron variant. Several experts declared this would be the last time the country would see an uptick. As one of the most short-lived waves of the deadly pathogen, the Omicron wave receded as quickly as it peaked. A few months later, despite vaccination statuses and the administration of booster doses, India saw COVID raising its ugly head again.

Why are the numbers rising again? There are various reasons—the lower effectiveness of vaccines over time, community participation in terms of low responsibility of COVID-appropriate behaviour and changes in the virus itself. While the alpha and beta variants saw a sharp rise, the omicron variant became easily transmissible.

Seasonal weather only adds fuel to the fire, and the concept of ‘herd immunity’ has weaned off. What’s also worrying is that the omicron strain can actively reinfect the same person. The change in season has brought influenza-like symptoms such as the common cold and flu, swine flu, dengue fever or malaria, often confused with COVID-19.

A Variant of Concern

The omicron variant has several sub-variants or lineages such as the BA.1, BA.2, BA.2.12.1. The ongoing one is the superspreader BA.5. With reinfections surging, the most common symptoms seen across the globe are fever or a sore throat. Cases these days are not severe or require hospitalisation, but prevention is better than cure.

While one may feel safe as a healthy individual, vaccinated, unvaccinated or immunocompromised people around might not be safe. They risk getting infected, and there is also the possibility of long covid symptoms. The treatment for this condition is neither well-understood nor researched thus far. An overall rise in the number of cases can also stress an already exhausted healthcare system in India.

Symptoms to Look Out For

Some of the symptoms one must keep an eye on are:

  • Persistent cough and cold
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste and smell
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Joint pain
  • Shortness of breath

How to Stay Protected?

So what is the best way to protect oneself from the onset of another COVID-19 wave? The most obvious way is to wear masks, wash hands regularly, avoid crowded spaces and get the booster dose. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Be masked indoors: Enclosed public spaces with poor ventilation are the primary reasons for the rapid spread of COVID-19. People must follow mask mandates while being indoors in places such as grocery stores, hospitals or while using public transportation.
  • Follow basic flu-prevention methods: Any virus spreads through the respiratory system with droplets. People must wash hands regularly if they’ve touched any doorknob, railing or elevator button before meals or after sneezing.
  • Get the booster dose:It is a known fact that the severity of COVID-19 is vastly reduced after getting vaccinated. One will be infectious for a shorter period, thus reducing the chance of further infection spread and quick recovery.
  • Stay alert: Do not wait for public announcements or rules to stay safe. One must take preventive steps to protect themselves from COVID-19 and stay away from those who are sick.
  • Have the COVID-19 self-test handy at home:Mild symptoms can also indicate COVID-19. Keeping a home test handy or booking an RT-PCR test with a nearby health centre will help detect the virus.
  • Be mindful about travel:Check the local guidelines in case of domestic or international travel. Always have a backup plan in place.

What if One is Exposed to the Virus?

There is a possibility of a slip-up. One might experience COVID-19-like symptoms. It helps to avoid panic and focus on self-care while having an emergency plan. The possibility of a community outbreak is high, so protection comes first.

Here’s what people can do:

  • Stay home for at least five days to see if any symptoms arise.
  • If there is a list of daily prescription medicines, keep them handy.
  • Wear a well-fitted mask for the next five days if stepping out.
  • Regardless of the vaccination status, keep a tab on overall health.
  • Inform a doctor right away if feeling worse.
  • Stay home if feeling sick for any reason.

What if Someone is COVID Positive?

If one has recently learned that they are COVID-positive, here’s what they should do:

  • Ensure they have essential medicines, such as paracetamol, in place. They must connect with a physician for better advice.
  • They must start working from home and isolate themselves. Stay away from public places and avoid interacting with family or pets.
  • Quarantine for at least seven days to prevent infection spread.
  • Avoid constantly touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Regularly clean and disinfect areas in the vicinity.
  • When coughing or sneezing, use a tissue and bin it separately.
  • Sip on warm water and inhale steam.
  • If loved ones enter the room, wear a secure mask.
  • Follow the doctor’s instructions.

In India, people need to focus on an ‘always-on’ response. Be it by using masks or taking the onus of their safety. Given the current public fatigue and the lessons of the past two years, finding the right combination of public-health measures is critical. Everyone must remember that as waves of the pandemic still wash over the globe, preventive measures are what can help keep the virus at bay. Always have an emergency backup plan, make wise decisions, prepare in advance and prevent the spread of the virus.

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