Non-Communi cable Diseases- The Silent Epidemic
It is correctly said that non-communicable diseases are a silent epidemic. These are the long-standing diseases an individual has, of which they may not initially be aware. They are generally chronic and cannot be spread. These diseases are known as the silent epidemic as people are often unaware of their existence for a long period. Though they can often be easily prevented in simple ways many people fall victim to them. Most non-communicable conditions arise from a combination of four factors: behaviour, genetics, physiology, and environment. Surprisingly, the number of deaths from non-communicable diseases is exceptionally high.
Who is at risk of getting non-communicable diseases?
Everyone is at risk. People from different castes, racial groups, and even age groups are highly susceptible to various non-communicable diseases. The most common causes of non-communicable diseases are a poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle.
How communicable diseases differ from non-communicable diseases
Communicable disease
This is a disease that spreads when a person comes in contact with someone who has the illness. It can spread through different modes, like a healthy person coming in contact with the blood or other fluids of someone who is infected, inhaling airborne pathogens, or getting bitten by an insect. The germs from infected people are transmitted to healthy ones, which causes infections in the healthy people.
Non-communicable diseases
Those which have become chronic and have a long-lasting history are called non-communicable diseases. They cannot be spread by contact. They are due to genetic distortion, changes in environmental conditions or physiology, or even behavioural factors.
Risks of non-communicable diseases
- People with bad habits, such as drug abuse, smoking, alcoholism, etc., are more prone to chronic diseases than people without dependencies and who eat healthily and exercise regularly.
- Excessive sodium or salt intake also increases the risk of non-communicable diseases.
- People with metabolic disturbances such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and hormonal imbalance also contribute to chronic diseases.
Common non-communicable diseases
Some non-communicable disease examples are listed below. These are commonly occurring non-communicable diseases.
Cardiovascular diseases
Cardiovascular NCDs are commonly seen in older people. In totality, it consists of all the diseases and disorders related to the heart, such as heart stroke, endocarditis, cardiac arrest, etc. This is a common non-infectious disease. Cardiovascular diseases can occur because of several factors, but an unhealthy diet and smoking are major contributors. An unhealthy diet often contributes to a surge in the level of bad cholesterol in the body, leading to a build-up of fatty deposits in blood vessels, which can lead to problems.
There are three main types of diabetes, namely diabetes type 1, diabetes type 2, and gestational diabetes. Type one diabetes is caused by an autoimmune disorder and occurs right at birth. Gestational diabetes happens only during pregnancy and lactation. In type two diabetes, the blood sugar production of the body is altered. Type 2 diabetes occurs due to unhealthy food consumption and a lethargic lifestyle.
Chronic respiratory diseases
Major chronic respiratory diseases can result from a blockage in the lung pathway. This can be an embolus or other constricting factors. This causes chest pain and heaviness. Most patients often complain of persistent chronic cough and difficulty breathing. Once a patient has chronic respiratory diseases, the lung is compromised. If the patient doesn’t exercise regularly, this condition only worsens with time. The damage caused to the lung cannot be reversed.
Mental health conditions
Most mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, and panic attacks, are due mainly to excessive stress and a harmful environment. Early identification of these triggers and leading an active life with a healthy mindset can prevent mental health problems to a great extent.
Preventive measures that can be taken
NCDs are a group of diseases that can be avoided altogether. This can be achieved with a few precautions.
Leading a healthy life
A set routine can help an individual live a long, good life. Exercising regularly is vital. One doesn’t necessarily need to visit a gym and spend money, a simple walk in a nearby park will do the needful. A healthy body eliminates a bulk of medical conditions.
Having the right diet
The body needs many nutrients, vitamins, and other elements. This includes carbohydrates, fats, fibres, iron, etc. It is crucial to consume meals with all the essential nutrients in proportion. One can begin by adding a simple salad of tomatoes, beetroot, and cucumber. Throwing in nuts like almonds and pistachios is highly beneficial.
Ensuring a good night’s sleep
A good seven to eight-hour sleep does wonders. Having a sufficient amount of sleep helps the body to heal and rejuvenate. It also helps to calm your mind and reduce the amount of stress.
To prevent NCDs, one must also quit the habits that lead to these diseases. This step will help the body to heal and gradually reduce and even eliminate most non-communicable diseases.
Avoid alcohol consumption
Alcohol puts pressure on your liver and adds toxins to your blood. This results in chronic inflammation of your liver.
Quit smoking
Cigarettes produce irritants that damage the lungs. This is one of the main causative agents of chronic lung disorders.
Reduce stress
Stress is the number one cause of psychological and physiological disorders. Calming one’s mind and reducing stress help significantly in staying healthy. Maintaining a schedule and task sheets when at work has shown to be very helpful. Yoga and other mind-calming activity such as meditation are also effective methods. If one faces extreme stress, it is best to visit a therapist at the earliest.
Non-communicable diseases cannot be transmitted and spread from infected to healthy persons. They are most likely chronic sicknesses or illnesses and may not be recognised for a while. Most NCDs can be prevented very early by just being fit and eating right. Simple preventive measures can majorly help avoid these groups of silent diseases.
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