Omicron and Pregnancy

Omicron and Pregnancy

As the Omicron variant continues to spread across the globe, it has become a matter of great concern for children, the elderly, pregnant women and co-morbid patients. It is heightening risks for this little-talked-about demographic: pregnant women. As an expectant parent, it is perfectly natural to feel concerned about your unborn child considering the current pandemic situation. In this article, let’s get to know more about Omicron and what risks pregnant women can face due to the virus.

What is the Omicron variant?

The latest COVID-19 Variant of Concern (VOC) is Omicron, which was first detected in Botswana and South Africa in November 2021. It is considered to be a highly contagious virus. While there are a lot of speculations that the virus is a milder one but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on its website has revealed that it is unknown about the severity of illness or how well available vaccines and medications work against it.

What are the risks that pregnant individuals face?

Since the first Covid-19 was reported in late 2019, scientists are still studying the effects of the virus and the virus’s variants on different population groups, which includes pregnant people. Doctors say they are still not sure whether the Omicron variant causes more risky and severe disease in pregnant women as compared to other COVID-19 variants. But because pregnant people are already immunosuppressed, getting the coronavirus can be dangerous and sometimes even lead to the death of the mother and the child. The Omicron variant spreads more easily and quickly to others. In many cases, people who tested positive for the Omicron variants were, in fact, fully vaccinated and mostly asymptomatic.

What are the most common causes of Omicron in pregnancy?

A lot of common cases received by the doctors of women who are pregnant and have contracted the Omicron variant of the coronavirus are:

  • Gestational diabetes
  • Placenta previa
  • Preterm labour
  • Placenta abruption
  • Respiratory complications
  • Blood clots
  • Delivery by C-section
  • Stillbirths

Vaccination among pregnant women

  • Ever since the COVAXIN and Covishield vaccinations were announced, there have been rumours that pregnant and breastfeeding women should not be taking the vaccine. But that’s not true. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding can easily get the vaccine, as recommended by experts. Having a word with your doctor is important before you do that.
  • Due to the misinformation spread about the vaccine, more than half of the pregnant women have remained unvaccinated. Pregnant women are more likely to get infected faster, and this is one of the reasons why experts have asked pregnant individuals to take extra precautions and measures to keep themselves and their babies safe.
  • If you have heard the rumours that vaccines cause miscarriage and infertility, this information is false. Getting vaccinated, even if you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant, or breastfeeding is highly recommended.

The COVID-19 vaccines are safe for pregnant women, and this is backed by medical studies. The vaccine’s antibodies will provide protection to the mother and the baby.

Omicron and Pregnancy: Conclusion

It is highly recommended that all pregnant women take all the precautionary measures to stay safe from the virus. Wearing a mask, sanitizing your hands, staying indoors, keeping a 6 feet distance from people is very important to keep yourself and your unborn baby safe from the virus.

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