Top 5 health issues in Females that leads to weight gain

Women go through many changes at different stages in their lives, some big and some small, and weight gain is a major challenge. Proper care is necessary, in each stage. Have you ever wondered, that despite maintaining a clean diet, exercising daily, drinking enough water and sleeping soundly, you still gain those pounds?? Let’s delve deeper. The weight gain may be due to an underlying health condition. There are some medical issues which lead to gain in weight.

Hypothyroidism: An underactive thyroid gland produces less thyroid hormone, which is responsible for regulating the metabolism. So, in spite of following an optimum diet and exercise one can gain weight. Unwanted weight gain is the number one sign of hypothyroidism along with fatigue, weakness, constipation, as well as cold. The low thyroid levels make it very difficult to lose weight. Weight loss can also be achieved by reducing water retention which is common with hypothyroidism.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome:  PCOS is a medical condition where hormonal imbalance occurs, resulting in a disturbed menstrual cycle, acne, bloating, insulin resistance and weight gain. It occurs at puberty, childbearing age or even in older women wherein weight gain is unexpected and sudden. An excessive amount of estrogen promotes fat deposition which causes difficulty in weight loss. Diet and exercise play an important role in managing PCOS.

Cushing’s syndrome: It is a very rare medical condition caused by excessive production of the hormone cortisol. It results from a tumour or steroid treatment. The adrenal cortex gland may be compromised due to a tumour. The weight gain is most prominent around the face, upper back and stomach. It shows many medical conditions like hypertension, anxiety, muscle weakness, and glucose intolerance. It affects the overall health of women.

Plantar fasciitis and Arthritis: Carrying extra weight can strain the heel. Plantar fasciitis in people with high BMI makes it challenging to lose weight as it affects the activity level. The extra weight can lead to obesity, leading to even more weight gain. Weight loss can be achieved with low-impact exercises before it starts affecting a woman’s health. Arthritis has a significant link to obesity. Arthritis affects the joints of knees and hips which makes it challenging to get engaged in physical activity and progresses to increase in weight. Weight loss definitely has positive changes in this condition.

Depression: Everyone responds in a different way when they are stressed. Some people eat less whereas some indulge in stress eating. Emotional eating can lead to weight gain and ends in a vicious cycle of weight gain. A coping mechanism of diet eating junk, high calorie, high-fat food provides comfort to the depressed individual. Moreover, chronic depression medication also has an unfortunate side effect of weight gain. Depression is a medical condition also known to affect health and the person loses interest in any activity and daily tasks which all the more reduces the physical activity of the person again ending up in weight gain.

Don’t get disheartened if you aren’t able to shed those extra pounds. Some natural superfoods can help lose weight with positive lifestyle changes.

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