What all Vaccine Variants are Recommended for Teenagers from 15 � 18 Years of Age
One of the biggest wins against the Covid-19 pandemic has been the rapid development, production and administration of Covid-19 vaccines around the world. We can safely say that this may be the fastest time in which a vaccine was developed for a particular disease. Vaccine development can take as many as 5 to 10 years, but the Covid-19 vaccine was developed at an unprecedented speed. However, one reason for the quick development is the existence of data for the Sars-Cov-1 outbreak in 2002, which was used for the development of Covid-19 vaccines.
Vaccines have provided excellent protection against the virus. Even in cases where vaccinated individuals have been positive for Covid-19, the disease itself has been mild and recovery quick. So if you’re yet to take your Covid-19 vaccine, do so as soon as possible to protect yourself from the disease.
Right now, depending on the region, the following Covid-19 vaccines are available across the globe:
- Pfizer-BioNTech
- Moderna
- AstraZeneca (Covishield in India)
- Johnson & Johnson
- Bharat Biotech’s COVAXIN
- Sinopharm
- Sputnik V
Covid-19 Vaccines For Children
The Covid-19 vaccines have been a great success story. But the one thing that may be seen as lacking is the allowance of the vaccine for ages of 18 years and below. Initially, these vaccines were approved only for ages 18 years and above. But since then, vaccine trials for children have already begun, and vaccine administrations too have started in some parts of the world.
Right now, trials for vaccines in children are currently ongoing, with only two vaccines that have begun vaccinations in children on a large scale.
The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been approved for administration in the United States and Canada for the 5 to 11 years as well as 12 to 17 years age groups. Other countries in the European Union are also following suit.
Bharat Biotech’s COVAXIN
In India, vaccinations in children in the age group of 15 to 18 years have begun. Although adults were administered both Covishield and COVAXIN, children are only being given the COVAXIN Covid-19 vaccine as of now. The first doses are already underway, and the second shot has been scheduled after a gap of 28 days. Vaccines for lower age groups haven’t been approved as of now, and we can only wait and see when they will be approved.
How To Get Children’s COVAXIN Shot
Vaccine recipients can get their COVAXIN shots by registering on the CoWIN portal and booking an appointment for their dose. One can also visit a vaccination centre and get themselves registered. Schools and colleges are also conducting vaccination camps for their students. Children’s COVAXIN doses are free of charge at government vaccination centres. Vaccinations at private hospitals are, however, being charged.
Post Vaccination Symptoms
Children are facing similar post-vaccination symptoms as adults. There may be soreness and pain at the site of injection, fever, headache and some weakness for a couple of days after administration of the vaccine. Paracetamol may be taken to counter the fever and headache, while a cold compress may be applied over the injection site to relieve pain and tenderness.
Final Word
Protecting our children against the Covid-19 virus has been a major worry for us ever since the pandemic started. But this recent approval and administration of vaccines for children is a great sign. If you have a child in the 15 to 18 years age group, get them vaccinated against this virus as soon as possible. Schools and colleges in India are already conducting vaccination drives to get their students vaccinated.