Dr. Meera Sreedhar

Dr. Meera Sreedhar

MBBS, MD - Skin & VD

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95% Recommended

95% patients would recommed this doctor to their friends and family.

Doctor info

Dr. Meera Sridhar is a consultant Dermatologist. She has three decade of experience working different medical institution in Bangalore. Dr. Meera Sridhar is an experienced and caring professional who share the belief that care should be comprehensive and courteous - responding fully to your individual needs and preferences.

Treatment & service

  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Hair Removal
  • Photodynamic Therapy
  • Hair Loss Treatments
  • Hand foot and mouth disease

Patients speak

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Meera Sreedhar practices at Apollo Clinic Hospital, Indiranagar - Bengaluru.

You can take Dr. Meera Sreedhar appointment by calling or by visiting website or walk-in to the near by Apollo Clinic Hospital.

Patients visit Dr. Meera Sreedhar for Dermatology & more.