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Dr. Surendranath Shetty B
Dr. Surendranath Shetty B
MBBS, MS (Ortho)

Credited with an Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Surendranath Shetty has 28 years of Orthopedic experience in the field of Surgery like amputation, arthrotomy and Bone Graft procedure etc.

MON TO SAT : 10:00 AM TO 12:00 PM
Koramangala, Bengaluru
Educational Qualification
MBBS, MS (Ortho)
Treatment & Service
  • His Special interest is in  General  Orthopedic  Practice.
  • His special interest is in Polytrauma / Fractures 
  • Performing Fractures and Dislocations, Open and closed reduction of major injuries, including skeletal traction, and internal-external fixation.
Training & Course
  • Presented paper Titled “Cubitus Varus – A Case in Scientific program me-XVII Annual and South  West Indian  Regional  Orthopedic Conference at J .N. Medical College, Belgaum, India In February -1993.
  • He has been an attended 2004 AADD international Symposium in Musculo –Skeletal Trauma  and the post-Symposium Workshop, held at Prince of Wales  Hospital   Hong Kong  in October -2004 
  • Attended Locking  Nailing  Training 
  • Consultant in Orthopedics  at Mallya  Hospital
Professional Membership
  • Distal Tibia Stress Fractures Secondary to  Server Osto Arthritis knee, Surgical  Science

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