Dr. Vinita Manchanda

Dr. Vinita Manchanda

B.P.T, M.P.T (Ortho), MIAP

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Doctor info

Dr. Vinita Manchanda (PT) presently working as a senior consultant Physiotherapist in Apollo One in new Delhi having an overall experience of 15 years. She completed a master of Physiotherapy in orthopaedics from jamia Hamdard University in 2010. As an international author, her Research article on "Carpal Tunnel syndrome" got Published in the UK journal and cited in so many more research. She is pursuing Ph.D. in medical Physiology from Jamia Hamdard University. She is certified chiropractor and osteopath.

Treatment & service

  • Chiropractic service, Spinal and Peripheral Joints Osteopathy, Visceral Osteopathy, Craniosacral Osteopathy, Kinesiology Therapeutic Taping, Cupping Therapy, Dry Needling Therapy,Clinical Nutrition, Clinical Psychology,Antenatal & Postnatal fitness sessions, Lamaze Natural Childbirth Classes, Pelvic girdle pain, Pubic symphysis pain,Coccyx pain, Sciatica (pain down the legs), Sacroiliac pain,Rib pain,Shoulder and upper back pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,Cranial osteopathy, Visceral manipulation, Articulation, Diastasis Recti/Abdominal wall muscle separation;Pelvic floor muscle/core strengthening;Preparation for vaginal or cesarean birth or VBAC.

Training & course

  • National Women Excellence Award 2021 by Govt Of India,Internationally Certified Osteopath&Chiropractor

Professional membership

  • Life Time Member of Indian Spinal Injuries Centre (I.S.I.C)
  • Life Time Member of Indian Association of Physiotherapy (I.A.P) 8862,
  • Member of Delhi Council of Physiotherapy (D.C.P)"

Patients speak

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Vinita Manchanda practices at Apollo Clinic Hospital, Apollo One Pusa Road - New Delhi.

You can take Dr. Vinita Manchanda appointment by calling or by visiting website or walk-in to the near by Apollo Clinic Hospital.

Patients visit Dr. Vinita Manchanda for Physiotherapist & more.