Dr. Kiran S Petkar

Dr. Kiran S Petkar

MBBS - Karnataka Institue of Medical Sciences, Hubli, (KIMS), 2002, MS - General Surgery - Karnataka Institue of Medical Sciences, Hubli, (KIMS), 2006, MCh - Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery - Christi

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Plastic Surgery

95% Recommended

95% patients would recommed this doctor to their friends and family.

Doctor info

Dr Kiran Petkar is a Board certified Plastic, Recon-structive and Cosmetic Surgeon holding highest quali-fications in the field. After basic medical and surgical degrees of MBBS and MS (General Surgery), he gained his MCh (Magister Chirurgiae) in Plastic Sur-gery from the prestigious Christian Medical College (CMC) Vellore. Additionally, he is a Diplomate in Na-tional Board (DNB) in the discipline of Plastic Surgery. To further perfect the art of cosmetic surgery he trained at Instituto Javier de Benito in Barcilona, counted as one of the cosmetic surgery centers in the world. It was during his stay in Spain, the land of the great painter Pablo Picasso, that he learnt amal-gamation of art and science of beauty!

Treatment & service

  • Mole Removal, Skin Tag Removal, Cyst Excision, Lipoma Removal, Wart Removal, Reconstructive Surgery, Scar Revision, Facial Procedures, Liposuction (Small Areas), Burn Treatment and Reconstruction, Carpal Tunnel Release (in some cases), Fat Grafting or Fat Transfer, Tendon and Ligament Repair (minor cases), Non-Surgical Cosmetic Procedures, Earlobe Repair, Lip and Facial Implants, Mole Biopsy and Excision, Skin Conditions, Facial Conditions,  Hand and Extremity Conditions, Reconstructive Surgery After Injury, Breast Conditions, Reconstructive Surgery for Congenital Defects, Fat and Tissue Removal, Scar Revision, Cosmetic Procedures, Pediatric Conditions, Wound Care, Aesthetic Concerns, Minor Reconstructive Surgery, Aesthetic Concerns in Aging, 

Professional membership

  • 63940 Karnataka Medical Council, 2002

Patients speak

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Kiran S Petkar practices at Apollo Clinic Hospital, Electronic city - Bengaluru.

You can take Dr. Kiran S Petkar appointment by calling or by visiting website or walk-in to the near by Apollo Clinic Hospital.

Patients visit Dr. Kiran S Petkar for Plastic Surgery & more.