Dr. Manjunath H

Dr. Manjunath H


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95% Recommended

95% patients would recommed this doctor to their friends and family.

Doctor info

Interested in treating with minimum possible medication, special interest in headache, Sexual disorder, sleep disorder, addiction, anxiety, tension

Treatment & service

Dementia, alzheimer's, Vascular, Delirium,memory loss, Addiction all types,schizophrenia,Delusional disorder,Bipolar, Depression,anxiety disorder,dissociative disorder,panic attacks,  somatoform disorder , Obsessive compulsive disorder,  EATING DISORDER, Sleeping Disorder , Sexual Disorder ,addiction of non dependent addictive, habit and impulse control disorder,Personality Disorder,  Child Guidance

Training & course

Regular visiting of work shop keeping abreast of all new developments 

Professional membership

Indian Medical Association,Indian Psychiatric Society-karnataka branch and South Zone 

Patients speak

Frequently Asked Questions

Dr. Manjunath H practices at Apollo Clinic Hospital, Indiranagar - Bengaluru.

You can take Dr. Manjunath H appointment by calling or by visiting website or walk-in to the near by Apollo Clinic Hospital.

Patients visit Dr. Manjunath H for Psychiatry & more.