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Symptoms Details

Anxiety is a general term for several disorders that cause nervousness, fear, apprehension and worry. These disorders affect how we feel and behave. They can at times manifest into real physical symptoms.

Dr. alapati srinagesh MSc Psychology, M S Public Relations, M A Philosophy, M A English, PGDCE, PGDM,PGDBM,DM,CSS Honorary Doctorate in Counselling Psychology

Specialisation: Psychologist

Dr. jawaharlal nehru p M.Sc.(Psychology), M.Sc.(Child Psychology), M.Sc.(Counselling & Psychotherapy), M.Sc.(Sexology)

Specialisation: Psychologist

Ms. syeda aaliya MSc Clinical Health Psychology UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE

Specialisation: Psychologist

Ms. pooja e s BSc - Psychology, MSc - Psychology

Specialisation: Psychologist

Our patients speak

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