Symptom Details

You are not working out, you are not dieting, but you are still losing weight quickly? Although it's not something that many people are concerned with and it may be welcomed by some people, unexplained weight loss is indeed worrisome. If you are experiencing weight loss for no apparent reason, then it may be a sign of an underlying health condition. The most common symptom of unexplained weight loss is dramatic or sudden weight loss, which is usually 5% of the weight of your body . It could have occurred over a few weeks or months. Other symptoms may include an inability to perform daily tasks, loss of energy, weakness, night sweats, pain, fever, loss of appetite and fatigue.

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bl avinash Dr. Bl Avinash Internal Medicine
m s chaudhary Dr. M S Chaudhary Internal Medicine
akhil mukim gopishanker Dr. Akhil Mukim Gopishanker Internal Medicine
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darshana reddy Dr. Darshana Reddy Internal Medicine
b m aditi rao Dr. B M Aditi Rao Internal Medicine
shivaji rao c s Dr. Shivaji Rao C S Internal Medicine
m v prasanna kumar Dr. M V Prasanna Kumar Internal Medicine
lokesh s Dr. Lokesh S Internal Medicine
mary susan k s Dr. Mary Susan K S Internal Medicine
ravindra mukkunda Dr. Ravindra Mukkunda Internal Medicine
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mukund j Dr. Mukund J Internal Medicine
n chandrabhan singh n Dr. N Chandrabhan Singh N Internal Medicine
saritha pavithran Dr. Saritha Pavithran Internal Medicine
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baset hakim Dr. Baset Hakim Internal Medicine
j m akbar khalifulla Dr. J M Akbar Khalifulla Internal Medicine
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sudhir chalasani Dr. Sudhir Chalasani Internal Medicine
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satish kotla Dr. Satish Kotla Internal Medicine
sudhir chalasani Dr. Sudhir Chalasani Internal Medicine
usha gaddam Dr. Usha Gaddam Internal Medicine