Symptom Details

Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound that occurs while breathing that may be a sign of other health conditions. The sound is most obvious when breathing out, but may also be made when inhaling. The most common symptom of wheezing is whistling or musical sound, which indicates that you have airways obstruction or vocal cord problems. Other symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath, swelling of the face and tongue, a decreased level of consciousness, tightening in the chest, fever, sore throat, swelling of the tongue or lips, heartburn, itching eyes, nasal congestion, weight loss, night sweat, vomiting, loss of voice, sputum production and laboured breathing, especially when exhaling.

Our Doctors

gayatri devi Dr. Gayatri Devi Pulmonology
rakesh bilagi Dr. Rakesh Bilagi Pulmonology
vandana d prabhu Dr. Vandana D Prabhu Pulmonology
vandana d prabhu Dr. Vandana D Prabhu Pulmonology
santosh kumar p hammigi Dr. Santosh Kumar P Hammigi Pulmonology
sesha sai sutravey Dr. Sesha Sai Sutravey Pulmonology
pankaj jain Dr. Pankaj Jain Pulmonology
s jayaraman Dr. S Jayaraman Pulmonology
gayathri ganapathy Dr. Gayathri Ganapathy Pulmonology
anbu maran Dr. Anbu Maran Pulmonology
balamurugan santhalingam Dr. Balamurugan Santhalingam Pulmonology
gokul Dr. Gokul Pulmonology
raju ch Dr. Raju Ch Pulmonology
nageshwara rao kasumarti Dr. Nageshwara Rao Kasumarti Pulmonology
soumya parimi Dr. Soumya Parimi Pulmonology