A pacemaker is a small device that's placed in the chest or abdomen to help control abnormal heart beats. This device uses low-energy electrical pulses to prompt the heart to beat at a normal rate.
It is a condition in which skin becomes thick, similar to a pachyderm like an elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus. Pachyderma can occur in several medical conditions.
Pachyonychia congenita is an autosomal dominant skin disorder that primarily affects the nails and skin. It is characterised by excess keratin in nail beds and thickening of the nails, oral lesions that look like thick white plaques and painful calluses and blisters.
Paediatrics is a branch of medicine which deals with diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases and conditions occurring in children.
The roof of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities. The front portion of palate is bony called hard palate, and the back portion is muscular called soft palate.
A method to make the effects of (something, such as an illness) less painful, harmful, or harsh.
Palpitation is an abnormality of heart and is characterised by a feeling of fast heartbeats, pounding, or fluttering. Palpitation can be felt in the chest, throat, and neck.
A spongy, tube-shaped organ that is about 6 inches long and is located in the back of the abdomen, behind the stomach. It secretes digestive enzymes and an important hormone named insulin. Insulin helps to control the glucose level in blood.
Paralysis is a loss of muscle function in a part of the body and is identified by loss of sensation in that area. It can be localised or generalised, partial or complete, temporary or permanent.
The parotid gland is a major salivary gland. In humans, the two parotid glands are present on either side of the mouth and in front of both ears. Parotid glands secrete thin, watery secretion called saliva into the mouth. Saliva helps in swallowing and digestion of food.
A violent attack of symptoms or a sudden increase in the intensity of the disease. It may be due to the sudden occurrence of symptoms or the acute exacerbation (the abrupt worsening) of pre-existing symptoms.
Pasteurisation (or pasteurisation) is a process of making foods stay fresh. It involves heating the food to kill most harmful microorganisms without harming the flavour or quality of the food.
Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is a disease occurring in women and is characterised by small fluid-filled cysts on the ovaries. A woman with PCOD has abnormal hormonal changes which cause irregularities of menstruation, infertility and abnormal facial hair growth.
Preventive care is referred to the steps taken to prevent disease. Preventive care includes immunisation, early screening of illness, and spreading awareness about hygiene and healthy lifestyle.
A pacemaker is a small device that's placed in the chest or abdomen to help control abnormal heart beats. This device uses low-energy electrical pulses to prompt the heart to beat at a normal rate.
It is a condition in which skin becomes thick, similar to a pachyderm like an elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus. Pachyderma can occur in several medical conditions.
Pachyonychia congenita is an autosomal dominant skin disorder that primarily affects the nails and skin. It is characterised by excess keratin in nail beds and thickening of the nails, oral lesions that look like thick white plaques and painful calluses and blisters.
Paediatrics is a branch of medicine which deals with diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases and conditions occurring in children.
The roof of the mouth that separates the oral and nasal cavities. The front portion of palate is bony called hard palate, and the back portion is muscular called soft palate.
A method to make the effects of (something, such as an illness) less painful, harmful, or harsh.
Palpitation is an abnormality of heart and is characterised by a feeling of fast heartbeats, pounding, or fluttering. Palpitation can be felt in the chest, throat, and neck.
A spongy, tube-shaped organ that is about 6 inches long and is located in the back of the abdomen, behind the stomach. It secretes digestive enzymes and an important hormone named insulin. Insulin helps to control the glucose level in blood.
Paralysis is a loss of muscle function in a part of the body and is identified by loss of sensation in that area. It can be localised or generalised, partial or complete, temporary or permanent.
The parotid gland is a major salivary gland. In humans, the two parotid glands are present on either side of the mouth and in front of both ears. Parotid glands secrete thin, watery secretion called saliva into the mouth. Saliva helps in swallowing and digestion of food.
A violent attack of symptoms or a sudden increase in the intensity of the disease. It may be due to the sudden occurrence of symptoms or the acute exacerbation (the abrupt worsening) of pre-existing symptoms.
Pasteurisation (or pasteurisation) is a process of making foods stay fresh. It involves heating the food to kill most harmful microorganisms without harming the flavour or quality of the food.
Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is a disease occurring in women and is characterised by small fluid-filled cysts on the ovaries. A woman with PCOD has abnormal hormonal changes which cause irregularities of menstruation, infertility and abnormal facial hair growth.
Preventive care is referred to the steps taken to prevent disease. Preventive care includes immunisation, early screening of illness, and spreading awareness about hygiene and healthy lifestyle.