Uterine Cancer

Uterine Cancer, also known as Endometrial Cancer, is a type of cancer that affects the uterus. It begins with the abnormal or malignant growth of cells that comprise of the uterine tissue cells or even forms in the muscles or other tissues of the uterus. Common symptoms of Uterine Cancer include abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge, the occurrence of pain after urination or sex, or even pelvic pain. While it mainly affects women who haven’t had a pregnancy in their life, it can also affect women who have experienced early menstruation or who have already undergone menopause. A thorough examination and diagnostic test are needed to confirm the symptoms, as these will help determine the extent of the cancer growth, and the appropriate treatment.  To ascertain that you have Uterine Cancer, it is imperative that you are aware of the symptoms that indicate this condition.

Symptoms of Uterine Cancer
The signs and symptoms of Endometrial Cancer will depend on the extent of its growth, classified as stages I to IV. Some of the common symptoms you may experience include:

  • Abnormal bleeding, especially between periods
  • Abnormal discharge from your vagina that is either watery or blood-tinged
  • Vaginal bleeding after menopause
  • Pelvic pain

What causes Uterine Cancer?
While there is no known cause, several risk factors can increase your chances of contracting uterine cancer. Cancer generally occurs with the mutation in the DNA cell structure that in turn affects the growth cycle of cells. In the case of Uterine Cancer, the cells within the uterus begin to reproduce uncontrollably, producing lumps of tissues which can spread or metastasize to the other parts of the body.

Types of Uterine Cancer
When a cancerous growth occurs in the uterus, it can develop into any of the two primary Uterine Cancers.

  • Endometrial Cancer: This form of cancer develops in the lining of the uterus, known as the endometrium. It is one of the most common types of uterine cancer, and accounts for more than 95% of uterine cancer cases.
  • Uterine Sarcoma: A rare type of uterine cancer, it generallydevelops in the muscle or the tissue of the uterus.

Classification of stages of Uterine Cancer
Once Uterine Cancer has been diagnosed, the extent of the disease will be diagnosed. Uterine Cancer can be classified into:

·         Stage I: The cancer growth is only found in the uterus, with possible growth into the glands of the cervix.

·         Stage II: The growth of cancer has spread from the body of the uterus into the supporting connective tissue of the cervix also known as cervical stroma.

·         Stage III: The growth of cancer has spread beyond the uterus, and may have affected the lymph nodes and pelvic area.

·         Stage IV: The growth of cancer has spread past the pelvic region, and affected the bladder and rectum. It may have even affected the bones, omentum or lungs.

Treatment for Uterine Cancer
When considering treatment for Uterine Cancer, it will depend on the characteristics of cancer, the current cancer stage, your general health and your preference of treatment options. treatment for Uterine Cancer can include:

Surgery: Surgery is often recommended for aggressive cases of Endometrial Cancer or to prevent it from spreading further. A hysterectomy is usually suggested with salpingo-oophorectomy as a precautionary step. At the same time, the lymph nodes will be removed for testing, which is essential to determine the stages of cancer.

Radiation: If the cancer is not aggressive or is still in the initial stages, radiation therapy is often used to kill cancer cells. It can be used to shrink a tumour, making it easier to remove it. It can also be used to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence after surgery. Radiation therapy is also recommended for women who are not eligible for surgery.

Hormone therapy: Hormone therapy is often suggested for advanced cases of Endometrial Cancer that has spread beyond the uterus. Hormone therapy targets certain hormones in the body that aid or prevents Uterine Cancer growth.

Chemotherapy: A chemical drug designed to kill cancer cells, it can be consumed to treat cancer. It can be taken through intravenous drips or orally. It is often recommended for individuals who have recurrent Endometrial Cancer that has spread beyond the uterus.

Apollo Experience
Apollo Clinic offers the best consultation and diagnostic treatments for Uterine Cancer. Under the guidance and care of experienced gynaecologists, we ensure that our patients have full access to our advanced facilities, which goes a long way in the ongoing evaluation and management of gynaecology related problems.