Knee Pain

From acute injury to medical conditions that cause complications, knee pain can occur due to a number of reasons. A commonly faced health problem, knee pain can arise when any bone structure in the knee joint gets impacted. Knee pain can either be localised to a specific region of the knee or diffused throughout the joint. Often accompanied by symptoms like the physical restriction of movement, knee pain can affect anyone from any age group. A thorough examination is needed to diagnose this ailment, as the treatment plan largely depends on the underlying cause. While some people tend to feel a slight twinge, others may experience severe pain which, over time, can get unbearable. To be able to ascertain whether you may be suffering from knee pain, it is important to know the symptoms that can indicate this condition. 

What are the symptoms of Knee Pain?

The symptoms of knee pain tend to vary from mild to severe. It all depends on the injury and the condition. Some of the common knee pain symptoms include:

  • Swelling and stiffness in the knee cap
  • Inability to bend or straighten the knee or knees
  • Knee feeling warm to the touch
  • Instability
  • Popping noises when moving the knees

Severe symptoms that require immediate medical attention include:

  • Unbearable knee pain
  • Swelling, redness and fever with pain
  • Inability to flex your knees
  • Limping or inability to stand up
  • Numb feeling in the affected knee(s)
  • Causes of Knee Pain

The reasons for why knee pain can occur ranges from external injuries to minor or major health problems. To understand better how knee pain can be faced, the commonly occurring causes can be divided into three broad categories, which include:

Injury of any kind – A knee injury can often affect the tendons, bursae, bones, cartilage and the ligaments, with the severity depending on the extent of the damage. Common knee injuries that can cause pain also include broken bones, meniscal tear, torn ligament, fractures or knee bursitis.
Medical conditions – Many medical conditions such as arthritis, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and infections can also lead to knee pain.
Mechanical problems – Certain mechanical problems can also cause knee pain. These can consist of hip or foot pain, a dislocated kneecap or Iliotibial band syndrome, among others.

Consequences of Knee Pain

In cases where mild knee pain is faced, over-the-counter medication can be purchased and used at home, in tandem with home remedies, if required. However, in cases where the pain progresses, this medical condition can become unbearable. Seeking immediate medical attention, in case such an occasion arises, is highly recommended. Severe knee pain can often lead to other symptoms like limping and not being able to flex or bend the knee, which can severely impact your daily lifestyle, highlighting the need for immediate medical attention. 

Treatment for Knee Pain

The treatment for knee pain depends on the severity of the condition. After a thorough diagnosis, your doctor will, in most cases, prescribe medication to help relieve the pain. Depending on the case, many clinics will also offer physical therapy, particularly in the event of sports-related injuries. If found necessary, your doctor may also prescribe that injections be used, with medication or other substances being injected directly into the joint. In extreme cases, surgery may be recommended.

Apollo Experience

We, at Apollo Clinic, believe in offering the best treatment to reduce or completely do away with knee pain. This includes a thorough diagnosis, with an experienced orthopaedics at hand to evaluate the bones and kneecap, which may be affected. Our state-of-the-art facilities cater to various diagnostic services and physiotherapy that can go a long way in helping to relieve knee pain and aiding in the process of getting to the root of the problem.