How To Prevent Pre-Diabetes From Becoming Diabetes

Pre-diabetes, as the name suggests occurs before the diabetes phase and has the potential to evolve into a fully fledged type 2 diabetes down the road. The most frightening aspect of pre-diabetes is that it has no symptoms unless a manual blood test is done. During this condition, the body functions normally, just that the glucose level in the blood is slightly elevated but not to the extent of the diabetes. Pre-diabetes open an unpleasant door that may also lead to heart diseases or strokes. But here is a good news, you can prevent pre-diabetes from developing into type 2 disease. The best way to do so is to tinker your lifestyle to a little more active one.

Eat right: Eating right may be one of the best ways to prevent further development of pre-diabetes. Consult a certified dietitian or a certified diabetes educator who will help you plan your diet chart. Include high-fiber food into your day and increase your consumption of less-starchy vegetables such as green beans, carrots, broccoli, and spinach. Refrain from consuming food products that contain artificial sweeteners as they are loaded with carbohydrates.

Exercise: It is as important as eating right because it helps lower blood glucose levels. Active muscles use up glucose as a source of energy, which prevents building up of glucose in your blood. It also improves your body’s sensitivity to insulin. Apart from the insulin aspect exercising helps in weight reduction, reducing the risk of cholesterol and heart diseases. The American Diabetes Association recommends a minimum of 2 and a half hour of moderate activity spanning across a week, which boils down to 30 minutes of exercise, five days a week. There is no hard and fast rule on the type of exercise to be performed, it can range from brisk walking to intensive swimming.

Weight control: Overweight and obesity are the prime causes of diabetes. The first step is to reduce the body fat percentage that lies below 15%. This can be achieved with the help of right nutrition and exercise.

Sleep 7-8 hours every day- Lack of sleep can make it harder for your body to use insulin effectively and make you more prone to type 2 diabetes. So, make sure that you sleep 7-8 hours every day.

Discuss with people- Talk to your friends and family members as regular exercise, healthy diet and losing weight will be easier if you have a support of your loved ones.

In this era, just being overweight puts you at risk of diabetes, so it is really important that you consult your doctor on a regular basis. He will monitor your blood sugar levels and evaluate whether current methods are controlling your diabetes well or not.