Tips To Manage Asthma

Asthma is a disease that affects every person differently. A healthy lifestyle can help you manage asthma. Here are some tips to manage asthma:

1. Asthma Triggers

Identification of Asthma triggers is the most important step in the management of asthma. A trigger is anything that irritates the airways and leads to an asthma attack. It can differ from person to person and season to season. Some of the most common triggers include allergens (including dust mites, pollens, cockroaches, medicines, moulds, animal dander and saliva, etc., viral infection (flu and common cold), irritants (perfumes, aerosols, smoke, paint fumes, hair spray, and air fresheners), weather changes, exercise, and breathing in cold air. Identifying these triggers is a hard task. But once the task is done, you can make some changes in the environment around you.

2. Action Plan

Make an asthma action plan for yourself. An action plan is a detailed outline written by you or your doctor. It includes details on how to react if certain symptoms appear, or how to take medications, or what to do if an asthma attack is imminent. The albuterol inhaler is the one drug that you should always keep with yourself. This rescue inhaler can get you a quick relief.

3. Get rid of the mites

Dust mites are the most common allergen. You should buy dust proof zipped covers for your pillows and mattress. Avoid any down pillows or comforters. Every week, you should wash your sheets as well as the mattress. Instead of using carpets, which attracts dust, get a hardwood or tile floor. Stay away from stuffed animals as they are home for dust mites or anything that can hold dust.

4. Breathing tools and tests

The doctors usually use a spirometer to measure the amount of air inhaled or exhaled in a given amount of time. However, everyone cannot afford to put a computerized machine at home. So, you can use a peak flow meter that measures the breathing capability. It can detect even minute changes in the airway including any obstruction or inflammation. It can even detect a drop 2-3 days before the flare up, giving sufficient time to prepare.

5. Exercise

For people with asthma, it is very important that they are physically active. It improves blood flow and capacity of the lung. However, many people think that strenuous activities will lead up to an asthma attack. There are some tips that you can use to exercise without showing any asthma symptom. People with asthma should take a 30 minute long brisk walk. Make a self-management plan and involve activities like yoga, martial arts, swimming, tramping. Just remember to take at least 2 puffs of the medicine before you start exercising.