
What is Trauma?

The American Psychological Association (APA) has defined trauma as the response one has to an extremely negative event. While trauma is often a normal reaction to an unpleasant or horrible event, the effects of it can be severe and may interfere with an individual’s ability to lead a normal life. In such cases, a person may need help to treat the stress and dysfunction that is caused by the unpleasant event and restore the individual to a state of emotional well-being.

What Causes Trauma?

Trauma can be caused by a negative event that leaves a lasting impact on the victim’s mental and emotional stability. While most sources of this condition are physically violent in nature, some others are psychological. A few common causes of this condition include:

  • Domestic violence
  • Rape
  • Natural disasters
  • Death of a loved one
  • Severe illness or injury
  • Witnessing an act of violence

Though trauma is often caused by a traumatic event, it is not always associated with it. Sometimes, it is also possible for one to sustain a shock after witnessing something from a distance. Young children, particularly, are more vulnerable to this condition and must be psychologically examined after a traumatic event has occurred. This will help ensure the emotional well-being of the child.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of a Person Suffering from Trauma?

While there are various causes and symptoms of trauma, there are a few basic signs that you must look out for. People who have witnessed traumatic events often appear disoriented and shaken. They may not respond to conversations as they usually would and appear withdrawn when speaking. One of the common signs of a trauma victim is anxiety. Anxiety due to trauma can sometimes manifest in problems such as edginess, irritability, night terrors, mood swings and poor concentration. While these symptoms are quite common, they are not exhaustive. Every individual respond to trauma differently; and sometimes it is virtually unnoticeable even to the victim’s closest family. Such cases illustrate the essentiality of talking to someone after an unpleasant event, even if the person shows no signs of disturbance. This condition can manifest for days, months and even years after the event has occurred.

Symptoms of Emotional Trauma: Emotion is one the most common ways in which trauma manifests. A few of the most common symptoms of emotional trauma include anger, denial, emotional outbursts and sadness. A victim of trauma may redirect one’s emotions towards other sources, such as family or friends. This is one of the major reasons why trauma is difficult for loved ones too. It is tough to help someone who pushes you away. Thus, understanding the emotional symptoms that appear after a traumatic event is essential as it helps ease the process.

Symptoms of Physical Trauma: Trauma manifests both, emotionally as well as physically. Some of the most common signs of physical trauma include lethargy, paleness, poor concentration, fatigue and a racing heartbeat. In such a condition, the victim may have anxiety or panic attacks; or may be unable to cope with certain circumstances. The symptoms of physical trauma can be alarming as those of illness or physical injury, and good care must be taken to manage the stress levels after a traumatic event.

What are the Effects of Trauma?

The effects of trauma can take place either over a short period or the course of a few weeks or years. Any effects of trauma must be addressed immediately to prevent the permanence of the condition. The sooner the trauma is addressed, better are the chances of the victim recovering. While both, short term and long term effects of may be similar, the long-term effects are often much more severe.

How Can Trauma be Treated?

Trauma is based on how the mind responds to a mental injury. Psychological trauma involves painful feelings and thoughts that are invoked by witnessing or experiencing traumatic events. While most people cope with these feelings after a short time, some people are unable to do so. In such cases, treatment will be required.

  • Medication: Unlike other mental disorders, trauma is induced by a negative event or experience and can be treated with the help of certain medicines. You must keep in mind that not all trauma requires medication. However, it can be useful to treat the symptoms of trauma. For example, anxiety or depression. It is highly essential to work with a healthcare professional who will determine whether medication is necessary or not.

  • Drugs: Drug options mostly depend on the victim’s psychological and medical history as well as the severity of the symptoms. For example, if depression is severe and is felt over an extended period, it may be treated with antidepressant drugs.

Apollo Experience

At Apollo Clinic, our team of experienced urologists will help you detect and arrest traumatic conditions. From accurate diagnosis and timely treatment, our experts will ensure that you get the help and support you need to get through this trying time. If you feel that you may be suffering from trauma, schedule an appointment immediately with our experts.

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