Eating Disorders

What are Eating Disorders?

Eating disorders are grave physical and emotional problems   and can result in life-threatening consequences. They are characterised by severe concern or distress about body shape or weight and irregular eating habits. Eating disorders can affect anyone, but mostly occur in teenagers and young adults. Common eating disorders are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder.

What are the Symptoms of Eating Disorders?

Persons suffering from eating disorders display several tell-tale signs and symptoms, including:

  • Constant weight fluctuation
  • Practising ritualistic eating patterns such as eating alone, hiding food, cutting food into tiny pieces  
  • Being lethargic or depressed
  • Switching between phases of overeating and fasting
  • Chronic dieting in spite of being dangerously underweight
  • Obsessed with fat content and calories of food
  • Fixated with recipes, cooking; may prepare elaborate meals for others but not consume them
  • Being isolated and withdrawn; avoid attending social gatherings, meeting friends and family 

What are the Causes of Eating Disorders?

While the specific cause of eating disorders   is yet unknown, researchers believe that it is a combination of psychological, environmental and biological factors.   

Psychological factors – Poor self-esteem, negative body image

Environmental factors – Dysfunctional family, sports that emphasise on a lean body for enhanced performance, childhood trauma, peer pressure, stress life events, professions that emphasise on being thin

Biological factors – Genetics, nutritional deficiencies, irregular hormone functions

How are Eating Disorders Diagnosed ? 

To diagnose an eating disorder, your doctor will conduct a physical exam to evaluate if a medical disorder is causing eating issues. Your doctor or mental health provider will also conduct a complete psychological evaluation where you may have to answer some self-assessment questionnaires. 

How are Eating Disorders Treated ? 

As eating disorders are complex, a comprehensive treatment plan is needed to heal and recover. Typically, a treatment plan encompasses the following elements:

Nutrition – This involves guidance for eating normally, restoring and stabilising weight and personalised meal plan providing optimum nourishment.  

Medical care and monitoring – A primary concern in the treatment of eating disorders is to address any health issue that has arisen due to eating disorder behaviour.   

Therapy – Various kinds of therapy including individual, family and group counselling is conducted to address the underlying cause of the eating disorder. This is an essential element of treatment as it helps the individual overcome traumatic life events and learns coping mechanisms.    

Medication – Some medications may be required in cases where mood or anxiety symptoms occur as a result of an eating disorder. Medication helps to reduce binge eating. 

Apollo Support

At Apollo Clinic, we understand the seriousness of an eating disorder and its possible consequences. Our team of medical doctors, nutritionists and therapists take all possible measures to provide a smooth treatment experience. We are also fully equipped with latest technologies, infrastructure and amenities for the treatment of eating disorders. 

Our Doctors

ashwini rahul kulkarni Dr. Ashwini Rahul Kulkarni Psychiatry
manamohan n Dr. Manamohan N Psychiatry
samyuktha Dr. Samyuktha Psychiatry
k sarada Dr. K Sarada Psychiatry
keya das Dr. Keya Das Psychiatry
swapna b Dr. Swapna B Psychiatry
vani p Dr. Vani P Psychiatry
manjunath h Dr. Manjunath H Psychiatry
anurag borade Dr. Anurag Borade Psychiatry
vani p Dr. Vani P Psychiatry
amol suryakant jawale Dr. Amol Suryakant Jawale Psychiatry
r karpaga lakshmi Dr. R Karpaga Lakshmi Psychiatry
supriya d silva Dr. Supriya D Silva Psychiatry
kavitha m Dr. Kavitha M Psychiatry
manjushree m s Dr. Manjushree M S Psychiatry
sudharani puru naik Dr. Sudharani Puru Naik Psychiatry
mb pethe Dr. Mb Pethe Psychiatry